Monday 9 September 2013

Life in Japan begins!

So I have been in Japan now for 3 weeks. I completed training a week ago and have spent the last week moving into my apartment and teaching my first week solo!

Let me start by saying that my apartment is fantastic! It's a 1k mansion, but it's a good sized room and laid out really well. I also have an amazing placement! My city has lots of shops not too far away, it's a 20minute train ride into Umeda and all my schools are pretty easy to get to. One I can even walk to! Score!

The first week has flown by! My first day was actually cancelled because of a typhoon. I went all the way to the classroom, got absolutely drenched and then was told to turn round and head home! The lessons after went pretty well. Most of the kids are great!

I have photos to share from training and my first week but I don't get actual internet (I'm currently tethering through my Iphone!) until the weekend, so those will have to wit til then! 

But so far, it's great! Woo Japan!

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